Professor and Dean,Department of Microbiology. Deputy Director,Infectious Disease Center of Peking University. Received Bachelor Degree in Medicine (MD.) from Henan Medical University in 1986, received PhD Degree from Harbin Medical University in 1992. Has been appointed as professor and deputy director of the Department of Microbiology since 2006, and the deputy director of the Infectious Disease Center of Peking University Health Science Centre since 2011. As one of the academic secretary of the National Science & Technology Key Projects on the Treatment and Prevention of the Major Infectious Disease such as AIDS and Viral Hepatitis. Serves as editor of several academic journals. Received the second level of National Award for Science and Technology Progress on the achievement of HEV epidemiology and prevention project in 1998.
His research focuses on: Laboratory diagnosis of viral hepatitis; Translational study of HBV infection-related HCC; Cancer Epigenetics. Research works have been published in peer-review journals like New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Human Genetics, Cancer Research and Cancer.
Fengmin Lu, MD, PhD

Peking University, China