Friday, 9 May 2014

Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
Related Enduring Materials

Saturday, 10 May 2014

The 3rd Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS - From Basic Science to Clinical Practice, was held in Beijing, China on 9 - 10 May 2014 at the Beijing University.
The Organizing Committee would like to thank all invited speakers and participants for their contribution to this conference!
We would like to thank our sponsor AbbVie (Platinum), Gilead (Supporter), the Chinese Society of Hepatology, CMA and the Chinese AIDS Society (Endorsers) for making this event possible.
General Information
- A true scientific platform for local and regional clinicians and clinical researchers to present their data
- A unique opportunity for regional clinicians, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies to meet and collaborate
- Provide education on the latest treatment options for HBV, HCV, HIV and associated co-infections
- Present the latest research data, especially in the Asian context and translate knowledge into clinical practice
- Provide a platform for interaction and dialogue among different disciplines and facilitate collaborations among local, national and regional communities
- Summarize the most recent results in drug development (including most recent clinical trial results) for HBV, HCV, and HIV
- Integrate the latest scientific results into daily clinical care to improve the treatment quality for HBV, HCV and HIV-positive individuals
Practical Information