Guillermo Vázquez-Rosales


Guillermo Vázquez-Rosales is a Board-certified pediatric infectious disease specialist. he received his MD at Medical School at San Luis Potosí, México, followed by Pediatric Residency and Pediatric Infectious Disease Residency at Centro Médico Nacional IMSS in México City. He has obtained a Master degree in Clinical Research at the University of México. In 1994, Dr. Vázquez-Rosales received training in viral culture at Diagnostic Virology Laboratory. Associated Regional and University Pathologists. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA and later as a Guest Researcher he spent two years at the Laboratory of the HIV and Retrovirology Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. In 1999 he started working at the Clinical of HIV infected children at the Pediatric Hospital in Centro Medico Nacional y México City. He made clinical research in effectiveness of antiretroviral treatment, secondary effects, development of resistance and vaccination in HIV infected children. Since 2008 he is the head of Infectious Diseases Department in the Pediatric Hospital.

Guillermo Vázquez-Rosales
Pediatric Hospital, Mexico