Jade Ghosn, MD, PhD


Jade Ghosn, MD, PhD, holds a position of Associate Professor in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Bichat University Hospital, Paris, France; and he teaches in Bichat School of Medicine, Université de Paris, France. His MD is in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, and his PhD is in Virology. He is an active member of the “Therapeutic strategies for the treatment of HIV infection’ group of the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS), where multicenter clinical trials are reviewed and implemented in France.

Dr Ghosn’s main research interests include primary HIV infection, resistance to antiretroviral drugs, compartmentalization of HIV in the male genital tract, prevention of sexual transmission of HIV, especially HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. He is on e of the three leaders who conduct a national cohort of PrEP users in France.

Dr Ghosn has published a large body of work on HIV in peer-reviewed journals, including Lancet, Lancet HIV, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Clinical Microbiology Reviews, AIDS, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Antiviral Therapy, and he is a leading HIV expert in France.

Jade Ghosn
Bichat University Hospital, France