Day 1 - Wednesday, 28 October 2020

European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis 2020
Related Enduring Materials
Preliminary Program

Day 2 - Thursday, 29 October 2020

Day 3 - Friday, 30 October 2020

Founded eighteen years ago as the European HIV Resistance Workshop, this meeting has evolved to embrace all aspects of the clinical care of people living with HIV in Europe. Particular emphasis is put on optimal treatment strategies, clinical virology, molecular epidemiology, and public health aspects of HIV, HBV, and HCV infections throughout Europe.
In the last decade, the meeting has been able to capture leading clinicians and researchers from different regions of Europe. As such, this meeting is the only European platform where HIV-treating physicians and clinical virologists get together on an annual basis to present their latest research results and discuss their clinical implications in detail.
Program Chairs 2020
General Information
We are available to answer any questions or concerns that you may have about your participation at the European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis. For more information, please contact Magdalena Pawlowska at
To stay updated on developments about this meeting, make sure that you are signed up for our newsletter.
- Gather professionals in the fields of HIV and hepatitis clinical care and research in an interactive workshop setting
- Provide a platform for presentation and discussion of the latest developments in the field of antiviral
drug development
- Map important current studies and results
- Translate new data into treatment guidelines
- Educate clinicians on how to best implement current and new drugs in clinical practice
- Summarize recent results in drug development (including most recent clinical trial results) for HIV, HBV, and HCV
- Integrate the latest scientific results into their daily clinical care to improve the quality of life of individuals living with hepatitis/HIV
- Recognize future challenges in the screening, monitoring, and diagnosis of patients living with HIV/HBV- or HCV and develop new concepts for research and care strategies
Practical Information
Translation was not provided.
The members of the Program Committee assist the Organizing Committee by providing them with suggestions for the scientific program. In addition, they participate in reviewing abstracts and play an active role during the meeting as moderators and/or chairs of sessions.
The members of the Organizing Committee are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They meet frequently to discuss the scientific program of the meeting, identify interesting topics and candidate speakers, and review all submitted abstracts.
Scientific Committee
The members of Scientific Committee are hand-picked by the Organizing Committee and the conference secretariat based on their significant contributions and commitment to the field. They assist the Organizing Committee by providing them with suggestions for speakers and topics. In addition, members of the Scientific Committee participate in reviewing submitted abstracts, and play an active role during the workshop as moderators and/or chairs of sessions.
- Carlos Beltran, MD - Chilean AIDS Group, Chile
- Marina Bobkova, PhD - Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Russia
- Rolf Kaiser, PhD - University of Cologne, Germany
- Leon Kostrikis, PhD - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
- Clive Loveday, PhD - ICVC Charitable Trust, Clinical Virology, UK
- Monique Nijhuis, PhD - University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands
- Mario Poljak, MD, PhD - Institute for Microbiology and Immunology, Slovenia
- Gary Rubin, MD - University of Toronto, Canada
- Anders Sönnerborg, MD, PhD - Karolinska Institut, Sweden
- Jan Albert, MD - Karolinska Institute, Sweden
- Janusz Stanczak, PhD - University of Warsaw, Poland
- David van de Vijver, PharmD PhD - Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Hauke Walter, MD - Medizinisches Labor Stendhal, Germany
- Maurizio Zazzi, PhD - University of Siena, Italy
- Milosz Parczewski, MD, PhD - Pomeranian Medical University, Poland
- Maria Santoro, MD - University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy