Jorge Sanchez, MPH, MD


Dr. Jorge Sanchez is an infectious diseases specialist from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia with a master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Washington.

From 1992 to 2000 worked as a University of Washington consultant in HIV/STI research and training, with a focus on Central America and Caribbean countries. In 2000, Dr. Sanchez was awarded by the US NIH/NIAID/DAIDS as Principal Investigator of the University of Washington sub-site in Peru, to serve the HIV Prevention Trial Network (HPTN) and the HIV Vaccine Trial Network (HVTN).

In 2003 the focus of the Peruvian sites was expanded to implement research for the Adult AIDS Clinical Trial Network. In 2006, he received the award to be the Principal Investigator of the IMPACTA PERU Clinical Trial Unit (CTU).

Dr. Sanchez has been deeply involved in the development and implementation of the research agenda of the DAIDS-funded Networks serving as protocol team member of several study teams and member of several network research committees. He has been a member of the HPTN Executive Committee from 2004 to 2005; a member of the ACTG Executive Committee from 2005 to 2007, from 2011 to 2013, and from 2019 until now.

Jorge Sanchez 2021
CITBM - Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas Biomédicas y Medioambientales, Peru