Justin Koonin, PhD, BSc, CFA


Dr. Justin Kooninis a member of the UHC Movement Political Panel, and former co-chair of UHC2030, the internationalmultistakeholder partnership for universal healthcoverage. He is a member of multiple WHO expertpanels, including for the Universal Health PreparednessReview, and on HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs.   

Dr. Koonin is a Distinguished Fellow and Honorary ProfessorialFellow at the George Institute for Global Health, AdjunctAssociate Professor at the Kirby Institute, University ofNew South Wales, and an Advisory Governor of theCommonwealth Foundation. At a national level, Justin is the President of ACON (formerly AIDS Council of New SouthWales), Australia’s largest civil society organisationworking on HIV prevention, care and support, and thehealth of sexuality and gender-diverse people morebroadly.    

Justin’swork spans a diverse range of sectors. Inaddition to his efforts in health and human rights, he hasworked as a postdoctoral researcher in mathematics atthe University of Sydney, as a data scientist at PwC, and(currently) as a fund manager at Allan Gray. He holds aPh.D. in Pure Mathematics from the University of Sydney,and is a Chartered Financial Analyst charter holder, aswell as a Fellow of the Australian Institute of CompanyDirectors.

Justin Koonin
ACON, Australia