Maura Dandri, PhD


Maura Dandri received her PhD in Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Trieste, Italy. Her training included a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, US and a EMBO-Long-term Postdoc-Fellowship at Leibniz Institute for Virology, Hamburg. Dr. Dandri was awarded a Heisenberg Professorship from the German Research Foundation (DFG) before becoming full Professor at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, in Germany, where she leads the Research Group Viral Hepatitis. She is a member of the executive board of the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) and the Vice/Incoming Chair of the ICE-HBV governing board. Her research has been focusing on developing models for preclinical studies, as well as to study interactions between hepatitis viruses, human hepatocytes and immune cells. Her group is experienced in investigating new HBV and HDV therapies using humanized mice and through the analysis of patient liver biopsies.

Dandri, Maura 2024
University of Hamburg, Germany
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