Day 1 - Saturday, 9 June 2018

Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2018
Related Enduring Materials

Day 2 - Sunday, 10 June 2018

The very successful 7th Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) took place from 9 - 10 June 2018 in Beijing, China.
The Organizing Committee would like to thank all invited speakers and participants for their contribution to this workshop!
We would like to thank our supporters:Gilead Science and AbbVie for making this event possible.
General Information
- A true scientific platform for local and regional clinicians and clinical researchers to present their data
- A unique opportunity for regional clinicians, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies to meet and collaborate
- Provide education on the latest treatment options for HBV, HCV, HIV and associated co-infections
- Present the latest research data, especially in the Asian context and translate knowledge into clinical practice
- Provide a platform for interaction and dialogue among different disciplines and facilitate collaborations among local, national and regional communities
- Summarize the most recent results in drug development (including most recent clinical trial results) for HBV, HCV, and HIV
- Integrate the latest scientific results into daily clinical care to improve the treatment quality for HBV, HCV and HIV-positive individuals
Practical Information