Meeting category
17 Sep 2015
San Diego, United States

International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2015

Related Enduring Materials

Enduring Materials

Monday, 24 October 2016

Session 1: Pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics of existing TB drugs -
Clofazimine: Current Status and Future Prospects
Eric Nuermberger, MD
Johns Hopkins University, United States
Penetration of rifampin and rifapentine into diseased lung in the rabbit cavity pulmonary disease model of TB
D. Rifat
Population pharmacokinetics and penetration of first and second line anti-TB drugs in pulmonary lesions from adults with active tuberculosis
S. Gupta
Association of anti-tuberculosis drug concentrations with drug-related adverse events in TB/HIV co-infected patients in Uganda
C. Wiltshire
Session 2: Pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics of new and repurposed TB drugs -
The Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of Delamanid
Suresh Mallikaarjun
Suresh Mallikaarjun, PhD, FCP
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of pyrazinoic acid in murine models of tuberculosis
J. Lanoix
Pharmacodynamics of sulfamethoxazole in in vitro and in vivo models of tuberculosis
E. Nuermberger
Pharmacokinetics of rifampicin and moxifloxacin in the PanACEA-MAMS-TB-01 trial
R. Aarnoutse
Contribution of different oxazolidinones to the efficacy of novel regimens containing bedaquiline and pretomanid in murine models of tuberculosis
R. Tasneen
Guided Poster Session -
Determination of levofloxacin plasma concentrations by high performance liquid chromatography and UV detection for use in a multidrug-resistant tuberculosis hospital
S. Stroup
Determining protein binding of levofloxacin and moxifloxacin in vitro using ultrafiltration
C. Peloquin
Stability of second-line tuberculosis drugs mixed with readily available, nutritious foods
C. Peloquin
Low isoniazid and rifampicin concentrations in TB/HIV co-infected patients in Uganda
C. Wiltshire
Therapeutic drug monitoring of ethambutol in patients with tuberculosis
C. Peloquin
Model-Based Design and Analysis of Phase IIa Trials within Tuberculosis Drug Development
R. Svensson
Refined Pharmacokinetics for Tuberculosis Drug Discovery: Determining Drug Concentration at the Site of Infection
N. Strydom
Evaluation of rifampicin effect on mycobacterium tuberculosis using a multistate pharmacometric model
O. Clewe
Initial development of assays for MDR-TB drugs using LC/MS/MS in small hair samples: Implications for pharmacologic monitoring of outcomes
J. Metcalfe
Session 3: Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling -
The Systems Pharmacology Approach to Improve TB Treatment
Rada Savic
Rada Savic, PharmD, PhD
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Concentration-response effects of combination therapy in a murine model of tuberculosis: optimizing the dosing regimen for short-course therapy
N. Zhang
Model based evaluation of higher doses of rifampicin using a semi-mechanistic model incorporating auto-induction and saturation of hepatic extraction
P. Denti
Dose optimization for combinations of three or more drugs: an application to dose selection in regimen-based tuberculosis drug development
M. Lyons
Mathematical model of drug-target binding predicts optimal antibiotic treatment
P. Abel zur Wiesch
Session 4: Drug development and optimization approaches and tools -
TB and Diabetes Mellitus: Pharmacological Aspects of the Convergence of Two Epidemics
Rovina Ruslami
Rovina Ruslami, MD, PhD
Padjadjaran University, Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia
Digitizing MTB Medicines: Using compounding methods to enable mobile capture of MTB medication adherence
S. Browne
Prediction of drug partitioning into tubercular pulmonary lesions
C. Chen
Drug Partitioning and Local Microenvironmental Conditions affect Bedaquiline, Clofazimine and Pyrazinamide Treatment Responses in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infected C3HeB/FeJ Mice
S. Irwin
Quantitative modeling of time to positivity following dosing of bedaquiline and rifafour in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis infection
J.F. Marier

Dear colleagues,

The 8th edition of the International Workshop on Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs, which has been held on 17 September 2015 in San Diego, CA, USA, preceding the ICAAC 2015, has been very successful.

We would like to thank all attendees for their participation and input! In particular we would like to express our thanks to our sponsors, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Svizera. Without their contribution the workshop would not have taken place.

Kind regards,

The Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee
Khisi Mdluli
Khisi Mdluli, PhD
TB Alliance, USA

General Information

Meeting Objectives
- To gather experts involved in the pharmacology of TB drugs from different disciplines in an interactive workshop setting
- To provide a platform for presentation and discussion of the latest scientific developments in the field.
- To map all current studies and results related to available and new TB drugs
- To help translate new in vitro and in vivo pharmacological data into new drug treatment combinations for TB
Unique Features
Our workshop involves a strong community of clinical pharmacologists and other healthcare professionals working in the TB-field. Also, the workshop provides an independent scientific platform to discuss controversial topics and views.

Practical Information

This workshop is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The organizing secretariat of this workshop, Expert Medical Events, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the sessions or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this workshop. Expert Medical Events disclaims all liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by individuals attending the workshop.
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the conference participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for medical, travel, or personal insurance. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
Photograph, Audio and Video Recording
Photographs as well as audio and video recordings are not permitted during official meeting sessions. Only the official medical writer appointed by the organization may make recordings. All presentations will be posted on the workshop website as soon as possible following the meeting, provided the speaker has given us permission to use their presentation online.