Megan Crumpler, PhD


Dr. Megan Crumpler is the Laboratory Director at both Orange County and Long Beach City Public Health Laboratories in California. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology and Cell Science from the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL. She obtained her PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA, where she studied the immune evasion techniques of Cytomegalovirus in guinea pigs and subsequently completed a post-doctoral fellowship at VCU in the Infectious Disease Division where she studied gut inflammatory markers released in HIV-infected patients. Dr. Crumpler then joined the Riverside County Public Health Laboratory as Supervising Public Health Microbiologist and Lab Director before taking on her current role at OCPH. Dr. Crumpler is also an active member of the California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors and the Association of Public Health Laboratories in the US serving in many leadership and committee roles in these organizations.

Crumpler, Megan 2022
Orange County Public Health Laboratory, Santa Ana, CA, United States