Morgane Bomsel, PhD


Morgane Bomsel Ph.D. DSc. graduated from Paris University, France   with degrees in Biophysics. She received a Ph.D. in Biological Science. Dr. Bomsel worked as a post doc fellow at EMBL, Germany and then at USCF, San Francisco defining polarized endocytic pathways and mechanisms controlling IgA transcytosis in epithelial cells. Morgane Bomsel got a position at the French national center for scientific research (CNRS) and was promoted Research Director 1 in 2011. With her team, she focuses on the mechanism of sexual transmission of HIV, mucosal HIV pathogenesis, and the local anti-HV immune response. She pioneered the description of HIV entry at mucosal site and characterized the immune characteristics of HIV resistant population to elaborate a prophylactic vaccine against sexually acquired HIV. She elaborated a prophylactic mucosal HIV vaccine fully protecting primates from sexually transmitted HIV. More recently she described how HIV penetrates the male genital tracts. Currently, Dr. Bomsel focuses her research on HIV tissue reservoirs in myeloid cells, the role of HIV-containing platelets in their maintenance, the developments of new class of antivirals. After characterizing SARS-CoV-2 mucosal pathogenesis and immune responsesduringthe pandemic she now focuses on SARS-CoV-2 persistence and reservoirs in Long COVID.

Dr. Bomsel has received several Scientific Awards and is involved in various international collaborative activities in Europe and the America.

Bomsel, Morgane 2023
Institut Cochin, Paris, France