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Reflecting on 100 Years of Pandemic Flu and Other Emerging Infections - David Heymann, MD, PhD
Presented at:
International Conference on (Re-) Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICREID) 2019
The African Centres for Diseases Control and Prevention- John Nkengasong, PhD, MSC
Presented at:
International Conference on (Re-) Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICREID) 2019
Rift Valley Fever - David Soti, MBChB, MPH
Presented at:
International Conference on (Re-) Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICREID) 2019
Risk Communication and Risk Perception in the 2014-2015 Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone - Maike Winters
Presented at:
International Conference on (Re-) Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICREID) 2019
A Situation Analysis of Antibiotic Consumption and Its Potential Contribution to Antimicrobial Resistance in Nigeria - Abiodun Egwuenu
Presented at:
International Conference on (Re-) Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICREID) 2019
Lunch Symposium - challenges in EID preparedness, the Yellow fever case - Marion Koopmans, DVM, PhD
Presented at:
International Conference on (Re-) Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICREID) 2019