Robert Gish, MD


Dr. Gish is a fellow of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, the American Society of Transplantation and American College of Physicians. He co-authored a public health policy for liver health in Vietnam focusing on HBV and is also assisting with the development of viral hepatitis health care policies in Georgia, Armenia, and the Philippines. He was a major early contributor to decipher methods for the detection of hepatitis B and C virus and characterizing their epidemiology and clinical presentation in humans. He was involved in studies that led to the genotypic classification strategies and methods now in use worldwide. He has published more than 700 original articles, abstracts, and book chapters.

Dr. Gish is the Medical Director of the Hepatitis B Foundation and the American Pacific Health Foundation. He is an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of Nevada Schools of Medicine in Las Vegas and in Reno. He serves as an Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy at Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at UCSD, a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Loma Linda University.  Dr. Gish is currently seeing patients at various clinics in San Diego, Folsom (El Dorado Hills), Santa Rosa, and Valley Springs. He is a staff physician at La Maestra, a federally qualified health center in San Diego.

Gish, Roberts 2024
Hepatitis B Foundation and the American Pacific Health Foundation, California
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