Rodolphe Garraffo, PharmD, PhD


Rodolphe Garraffo is PharmD and PhD, graduated from the University of Aix-Marseille, school of Medicine and Pharmacy. He is also a holder of a license in human physiology from the Nice Côte d’Azur University (NCA) and he is also authorized to manage researches at the Nice School of Medicine. Actually he works as Associate Professor in Medical Pharmacology and Toxicology at the School of Medicine in the NCA University and is the head of clinical pharmacokinetics and TDM unit in the department Clinical Biology at the Nice University Hospital. His main topic of search are the clinical pharmacology of anti-infective (antibiotics anti-viral, antifungal agents) and immunosuppressive drugs, he is author or a co-author of near to 200 publications. He was member of the antibiotics, antiviral drugs working group for 20 years and now he is external expert for the French (ANSM) and European medicine (EMA) agencies, member of the French research agency on HIV and Hepatitis (ANRS/INSERM)  and member of the French society of pharmacology and therapeutics.

Rodolphe Garraffo, PharmD, PhD
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, France