Sharon Kruger


Sharon Kruger is a psychologist and researcher at the FAMily Centre for Research with Ubuntu (FAMCRU), a clinical trials unit affiliated with Stellenbosch University. FAMCRU conducts research and clinical trials in adult and pediatric infectious diseases with a focus on HIV, TB, HIV/TB co-infection, and common childhood

infectious diseases. Her focus of interest is socio-behavioural studies, community engagement and a participant-centered approach to HIV-related studies. She is currently invested in the Paediatric Adolescent Virus Elimination (PAVE) study in South Africa and the CELEBRATE study (aCcEptabiLity and fEasibility of BnAbs foR infAnT HIV PrEvention in South Africa and Uganda), a study focusing on socio-behavioural research to enhance understanding of preferences and factors influencing bnAb adoption for infant indication.

Sharon Kruger
Stellenbosch University, South Africa