Susana Ramos Rn, MSc


Susana Ramos is a nurse manager since 2003, coordinator of the Patient Safety Office and member of the Quality and Safety Committee and the Catastrophe Committee at the Central Lisbon University Hospital. 

She is Vice-President and co-founder of the Portuguese Society for Health Literacy and Vice-President and co-founder of Atua Saúde - Association for Patient Empowerment and Safety.

She participates as a member of the Follow-up and Monitoring Committee of the National Plan for Patient Safety 2021-2026, coordinated by the Directorate-General for Health, through the Department of Quality in Health.

She collaborates as Tutor in the International Distance Learning Course "Quality in Health and Patient Safety" at the National School of Public Health.

Susana has authored and co-authored several scientific articles and book chapters, trainered and lecturered in various courses and events and supervising academic work on the following topics: patient safety; risk management; patient and family involvement in the safety of care; patient advocacy; health literacy; infection prevention and control; clinical audit.

Susana Ramos
Sociedade Portuguesa de Literacia em Saúde (SPLS), Portugal