Thomas Tao Cai


Thomas Tao Cai is the chairman and founder of AIDS Care China, which works with the Chinese public health system to address stigma and discrimination against people affected with HIV/AIDS. Since its creation in 2001, AIDS Care China, has grown from a shelter service for HIV/AIDS patients to a multi-site HIV/AIDS care program, with counseling and treatment education centers known as Red Ribbon Centers in four Chinese provinces. Its community-based approach to combating HIV/AIDS has made it a widely recognized success story.

Thomas is also a member of the WHO ARV Treatment Guidelines Committee. He won multiple awards i.e. UNAIDS Outstanding Contribution to HIV/AIDS in 2003, Red Ribbon Award in 2006, International Activist Award (Keith Tyler/Housing works) in 2006, and Yunnan Provincial Govt Award (get name) in 2010.

Thomas Cai photo
AIDS Care China, China