Carlo Giaquinto, MD


Carlo Giaquinto, MD, is full Professor in Pediatrics and Director of the Pediatric and Neonatal Infectious Diseases Unit at the Department of Woman’s and Child’s Health at the University of Padova. He is also President of Penta Foundation Onlus. Prof. Giaquinto’s main interest has always been the research in pediatric infections, particularly in the following fields: HIV, Vaccinations, Pediatric Drugs, Rotavirus Infections and Diarrhoea and, since February 2020, Infection from SARS-CoV-2. He is the principal coordinator of many international research projects, scientific reviewer of International journals (The Lancet, AIDS, PIDJ, HIV Medicine, Paediatrics) and member of the Editorial Board of the ‘Infectious Diseases’ Journal and of the ‘Journal of Virus Eradication’. Author and co-author of more than 450 publications and invited speaker at hundreds of conferences and workshops around the World. In addition, on 26th May 2017 Carlo Giaquinto was given the European Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) Bill Marshal Award and from 01st December 2023 to 30th November 2026 he has been appointed as Honorary Professor in the UCL MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL.

Carlo Giaquinto
PENTA Foundation, Italy