Prof. El-Meteini is the President of Ain Shams University as of August 2019. He was previously the dean of faculty of medicine at Ain Shams University until July 2019. obtained his master then doctorate degrees in general surgery from Ain Shams University in 1989 and 1993. He received his training as a transplant fellow in Cochin University hospital in Paris, France between 1990 and 1992 where he completed his Doctorate thesis in experimental and clinical aspects of liver transplantation. In 1992, he spent one year as a registrar in general surgery at Saint-Louis University hospital in Paris, France.
In 1996, he received advanced training in HPB including living donor liver transplantation in Tokyo and Kyoto University hospitals in Japan. In 2001, Prof. El-Meteini initiated & directed the first living liver transplant program, both in adults & pediatrics, in Wady El-Neel hospital in Cairo, Egypt. In 2008, he founded the Ain-Shams Center for Organ Transplant (ASCOT) in Ain-Shams University. In Egypt, he performed the first LDLT in adults, the first dual “liver & kidney’ LDLT, the first domino LDLT in Egypt and the first laparoscopic left lobe hepatectomy in living donor. Prof. El-Meteini has authored and co-authored manuscripts in peer reviewed journals and has chaired and presented in many national, regional and international meetings.
Prof El-Meteini’s efforts have extended beyond Cairo and the confines of Ain Shams University, to reach out to various Universities and Governerates in Egypt establishing Liver Transplant centers at Mansoura, Assiut and Alexandria Universities. This was achieved with a focus on training, team building and multidisciplinary approach. Also, the efforts and engagement at pan-Arab level and International level, was translated to a more modern and up-to-date approach with transferred experience and know-how to the Egyptian institutions.
Over a decade, he has worked hard on many levels, with his colleagues, for the legislation of an “Organ Transplant Law” regulating the practice in Egypt. Prof. El-Meteini was a permanent member in the committee for drafting the law and its executive regulations till it’s approval by the Egyptian parliament in March 2010. Likewise, he was the head of the committee that issued the required parameters, prerequisites and infrastructure for licensing hospitals & healthcare institutions as organ transplant centers. He is currently a member of the “Supreme Committee for Organ Transplant” and chairing the “Ethical Committee” within the Supreme Committee.
He is a member in numerous national and international professional organizations including the Egyptian surgical society, head of the scientific committee of the Egyptian society of liver cancer (ESLC) and a founder member and current secretary general of the Pan-Arab Liver Transplant Society (PALTS). Likewise, he is active member of the international liver transplant society (ILTS) being within the membership committee and the IHPBA/ E-AHPBA recently being appointed as the president of the MENA chapter of the IHPBA. He was a board member for several healthcare and local pharmaceutical institutions as Egyptair Company for health care services (2007- 2013), Sedico pharmaceuticals (2009- 2012) and medical council for Epico pharmaceuticals (2010- 2015). Currently, he is a board member of Ain-Shams University specialized hospital, Wady El-Neel Hospital Medical Council and Wady El-Neel Benta pharmaceuticals. Professor El-Meteini has also been appointed as the Dean of faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University since 2015.
Prof. El-Meteini’s leadership and administrative philosophy pivots on team-building and individual empowerment. With attention to muti-disciplinary multi-organization, and at times multi-government approach to accomplishments and achievements at faculty, hospital and community level. All while keeping in mind the dynamic nature of such processes and the need for on-going development, and with a focus on system approach to problem solving and program building.