Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2020

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Enduring Materials

Day 1 - Thursday, 10 September 2020

Opening of the Conference -
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
14:30 CAT
Opening Remarks
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
14:35 CAT
Viral Hepatitis B & C Elimination in 2030
Olufunmilayo Lesi, MD, MBA, FWACP, FMCP
World Health Organization, Switzerland
14:55 CAT
Access to Treatment in Africa
Oriel Fernandes
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
15:15 CAT
Local Situation on Liver Disease in Senegal
Papa Saliou Mbaye
Papa Saliou Mbaye, MD
Principal Hospital, Senegal
15:20 CAT
Panel Discussion
Papa Saliou Mbaye
Papa Saliou Mbaye, MD
Principal Hospital, Senegal
Olufunmilayo Lesi, MD, MBA, FWACP, FMCP
World Health Organization, Switzerland
Oriel Fernandes
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Kenneth Kabagambe
National Organization for People Living with Hepatitis B, Uganda
GILEAD - Symposium - 15:50
15:50 CAT
Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT) of Hepatitis B Virus: Experience from West Africa
Christian Tzeuton, MD
Douala Medical School / Société Camerounaise de Gastro-Entérologie, Cameroon
Session 1: Prevention of Transmission; Looking after Mother and Child -
Peter Olupot-Olupot, MD, MPH, PhD
Busitema University, Uganda
16:45 CAT
Birth Dose Vaccination and Screening of Pregnant Women
Maud Lemoine, MD, PhD
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
17:05 CAT
WHO PMTCT Recommendations
17:25 CAT
Panel Discussion
Maud Lemoine, MD, PhD
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Rania Tohme, MD, MPH
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, United States
NGO Session - FIND - 17:55
17:55 CAT
Upcoming Diagnostic Tools to Catalyze Action for HCV
Sonjelle Shilton
Sonjelle Shilton
FIND, Switzerland
18:02 CAT
Multicentre Clinical Evaluation to Assess the Performance of Centralized Assays for Hepatitis C Virus RNA Detection from Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Samples: Preliminary Results
Claude Mambo Muvunyi
Claude Mambo Muvunyi, MD, PhD
University of Rwanda, Rwanda
18:18 CAT
Consideration for the Use of DBS Samples for HCV Viral Load Testing in Rwanda
Janvier Serumondo
Janvier Serumondo, MD
Rwanda Biomedical Centre, Rwanda
18:35 CAT
Oral Abstract Presentations 1: Diagnostics and Investigation
19:10 CAT
Oral Abstract Presentations 2: Viral Hepatitis Infections (Elimination / Prevention / Treatment / Clinical) - HBV
19:40 CAT
End of Day 1

Day 2 - Friday, 11 September 2020

Poster Viewing - 14:00
14:00 CAT
Poster Viewing
Session 2: Management of Viral Hepatitis (I) - HBV Related -
Geoffrey Dusheiko, MBBS, FCP(SA), FRCS
King's College Hospital / University College London Medical School, United Kingdom
14:30 CAT
Management of HBV - Test & Treat Strategy
Hailemichael Desalegn Mekonnen, MD, PhD
St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Ethiopia
14:50 CAT
Management of HBV in Children
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
15:10 CAT
Panel Discussion - HBV Care Models in Africa
Hailemichael Desalegn Mekonnen, MD, PhD
St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Ethiopia
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Yvonne Nartey, MBChB, MSc, MPhil
Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana
Reena Shah, MD
Aga Khan University, Kenya
Session 3: Management of Viral Hepatitis (II) - HCV Related -
Mark Nelson, MA, MBBS, FRCP
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital / Imperial College Medical School, United Kingdom
15:40 CAT
HCV Elimination in Africa: Current Situation in the Time of DAAs
Sabin Nsanzimana, MD, MSc, PhD, FRCP
Rwanda Biomedical Center, Rwanda
16:00 CAT
Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in HCV Prevention, Testing, and Treatment in the African Region
Niklas Luhmann, MD, MscPH
World Health Organization, Switzerland
16:20 CAT
Panel Discussion
Zaid Heetun, MBBCh, BAO, BA, MRCP
Dr Abdool Gaffoor Jeetoo Hospital, Mauritius
Sabin Nsanzimana, MD, MSc, PhD, FRCP
Rwanda Biomedical Center, Rwanda
Niklas Luhmann, MD, MscPH
World Health Organization, Switzerland
HBV Cure Science 101 - ICE-HBV -
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
16:50 CAT
Current Advances in HBV Cure Research
Massimo Levrero, MD
Hopital de la Croix-Rousse, France
17:05 CAT
Panel Discussion
Fatou Fall, MD
Dakar General Hospital, Senegal
Massimo Levrero, MD
Hopital de la Croix-Rousse, France
Kenneth Kabagambe
National Organization for People Living with Hepatitis B, Uganda
17:30 CAT
Oral Abstract Presentations 3: Complications of End Stage Liver Disease
18:10 CAT
Oral Abstract Presentations 4: Viral Hepatitis Infections (Elimination / Prevention / Treatment / Clinical) - HCV
18:40 CAT
End of Day 2

Day 3 - Saturday, 12 September 2020

Session 4: NAFLD/NASH Management in Africa -
14:30 CAT
NAFLD/NASH Policies and Practice in Sub-Saharan Africa
Jeffrey V. Lazarus, PhD, MIH, MA
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Spain / CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, United States
14:50 CAT
Diabetes, Obesity, and COVID-19
Joel Dave, MD, PHD
University of Cape Town, South Africa
15:10 CAT
Fat and the Liver in the African Population
Ponsiano Ocama, MBChB, MMed, PhD, FCP(ECSA)
Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda
15:30 CAT
Panel Discussion
Joel Dave, MD, PHD
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Mark Sonderup, B Pharm, MBChB, FCP(SA), MMed
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Ponsiano Ocama, MBChB, MMed, PhD, FCP(ECSA)
Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda
Jeffrey V. Lazarus, PhD, MIH, MA
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Spain / CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, United States
Session 5: End-Stage Liver Disease (ESLD) -
Kosh Agarwal, MD
King’s College Hospital, United Kingdom
16:00 CAT
Particularities of HCC in Africa
Lewis Roberts, MBChB, PhD, FAASLD
Mayo Clinic, United States
16:20 CAT
Feasibility of Liver Transplantation in Africa
Mahmoud El-Meteini, MD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
16:40 CAT
Panel Discussion
Lewis Roberts
Lewis Roberts, MB, Chb, PhD
Mayo Clinic, United States
Mahmoud El-Meteini
Mahmoud El-Meteini, MD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Edith Okeke
University of Jos /Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
Ashraf Omar
Ashraf Omar, MD
Cairo University, Egypt
Session 6: Hepatitis Care in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic -
John Ward, MD
Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination, Task Force for Global Health / Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, United States
17:10 CAT
Impact of COVID-19 on the Existing Elimination Programs
John Ward, MD
Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination, Task Force for Global Health / Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, United States
17:30 CAT
Community Experience while Delivering Hepatitis B Services during the Pandemic
Arafat Bwambale, BPH, DCM&CM
Great Lakes Peace Centre, Uganda
17:50 CAT
Panel Discussion
John Ward
John Ward, MD
Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination / CDC, United States
Arafat Bwambale
Arafat Bwambale, BPH, DCM&CM
Great Lakes Peace Centre, Uganda
Cary James
Cary James
World Hepatitis Alliance, United Kingdom
Wendy Spearman
Wendy Spearman, MBChB, FCP, FRCP, MMed, PhD
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Shevanthi Nayagam
Shevanthi Nayagam, MBBS
Imperial College, United Kingdom
18:10 CAT
Closure of the conference
Mark Nelson
Mark Nelson, MD
Chelsea and WestminsterHospital, London, UK
Manal El-Sayed
Manal El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Oral Abstract Presentations
Oral Abstract Presentations 1: Diagnostics and Investigation
Hailemichael Desalegn, Ethiopia
Assessment of Non-Invasive Markers of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C in Ethiopia
Zainab Ingabire, Rwanda
Fibroscan Findings in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases in Rwanda
Nanelin Alice Guingane, Burkina Faso
Evaluation de la Détection de l’AgHBe pour l’Identification des Charges Virales Élevées du Virus de l’Hépatite B Exposant au Risque de Transmission Mère Enfant Malgré la Vaccination à la Naissance
Oral Abstract Presentations 2: Viral Hepatitis Infections (Elimination / Prevention / Treatment / Clinical) - HBV
Leto Olivier Gogbe, Côte d’Ivoire
Résistance du VHB aux Inhibiteurs Nucléo(s)tidiques de la Transcriptase Inverse (INTI) et son Impact sur l’Aantigène de Surface (AgHBs) chez des Patients Co-Infectés VHB-VIH à Abidjan
Marta Maria Patino Rodriguez, Spain
Experience of the First Hepatitis B Program in Rural Sierra Leone: One Year of Successes and Challenges
Mustafa Yassin, Sudan
Frequency of Occult Hepatitis B Virus among Blood Donors in Khartoum State, Sudan: a Preliminary Study.
Jose Debes, United States
Hepatitis B Awareness and Perceptions Among Healthcare Workers Across Africa: R1eport From the African Hepatitis B Network
Oral Abstract Presentations 3: Complications of End Stage Liver Disease
Mona Hassouna, Egypt
DNA Methyltransferases as Potential Biomarkers of HCV Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Ibrahima Diallo, Senegal
Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Senegal: Epidemiological, Clinical and Etiological Aspects about 229 Cases at Hopital Principal de Dakar
Edford Sinkala, Zambia
Propranolol Reduces Portal Vein Diameter in Schistosomal Liver Disease with Portal Hypertension: a Prospective Cohort Study
Oral Abstract Presentations 4: Viral Hepatitis Infections (Elimination / Prevention / Treatment / Clinical) - HCV
Alexander Stockdale, United Kingdom
Seroprevalence and Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis C in Malawi: A Cross-Sectional Community Census-Based Serological Survey of Ndriande, Blantyre
Jamila Abdouramane Soli, Burkina Faso
Hépatite Virale C Chronique: Efficacité et Tolérance des Antiviraux à Action Directe au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo.
Tari George Michael, Egypt
Prevalence of Occult Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Egyptian Haemodialysis Patients: A Single Centre Study

The very successful Conference on Liver Disease in Africa took place virtually on 10-12 September 2020.

The conference organizers would like to give a special thank you to all the invited speakers and participants for their valued contribution to this meeting!

Additionally, we would like to thank Abbott and Mylan for making this conference possible.

Meeting materials such as presentations and videos are available on this page under "Enduring Materials". The Abstract Book can be downloaded here.

We look forward to seeing you again next year at COLDA 2021! Please feel free to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date.


Program Chairs 2020
Papa Saliou Mbaye
Papa Saliou Mbaye, MD
Principal Hospital, Senegal

General Information 

Meeting Objectives
COLDA aims to:

- Gather experts from the African region involved in the research, diagnosis, and treatment of liver diseases in an interactive conference setting

- Discuss the diagnostic, therapeutic and preventative efforts of liver disease tailored to regional and local needs, translating best practices into daily practice guidelines and policies

- Contribute towards hepatitis elimination efforts

- Leverage on the findings from international studies through the delivery of updates from major meetings that can be applied at the local and regional level to combat liver diseases

- Facilitate a robust dialogue among participants through interactive networking and a networking reception

- Foster new and lasting interdisciplinary partnerships and collaborations among various researchers to improve knowledge sharing with aim of combating liver diseases in Africa
Learning Objectives
After participating in COLDA, participants will be able to:

- Discuss the epidemiology and treatment of liver disease at an individual and population level

- Ensure the knowledge and availability of HBV and HCV therapy and their correct usage

- Discuss evolving modalities of monitoring liver disease and their availability in the African setting

- Update on new developments in the investigation of liver disease and their use in an African setting

Practical Information 

Certificate of Attendance
A certificate of attendance was sent per e-mail after the conference.
The official conference language was English. Simultaneous translation to French was included.
This conference is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The organizing secretariat of this conference, Virology Education, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the sessions or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this conference. Virology Education disclaims all liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by individuals attending the conference.
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the conference participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for any applicable insurances. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
Organizing Committee
Papa Saliou Mbaye
Papa Saliou Mbaye
Ward, John 2023
John Ward, MD
Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination, Task Force for Global Health / Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, United States
Scientific Committee

To augment the organizing committee, the following are scientific committee

  • Mary Afihene, MBChB, FWACP – Kwame Nkrumah University, Ghana 

  • Geoffrey Dusheiko, MBBCh, FCP, FRCP - Kings College Hospital, United Kingdom

  • Alice Guingané, MD, MPH - Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo, Burkina Faso

  • Jeffrey Lazarus, PhD, MIH, MA - Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Hospital Clínic, University of Barcelona

  • Emmanuel Musabeyezu, MD, FCP – King Faisal Hospital, Rwanda

  • Gibril Ndow, MD – Imperial College London, Gambia

  • John Rwegasha, MBChB, M.MED, FRCP, MSc - Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania 

  • Edford Sinkala, MD, PhD - University Teaching Hospital / University of Zambia, Zambia

  • Sonjelle Shilton, MPH - Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), Switzerland

  • Christian Tzeuton, MD – Douala Medical School / Société Camerounaise de Gastro-Enterologie, Cameroon
