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IDWeek 2022 Satellite Symposium - Managing HIV Patients with Limited Treatment Options
What's New
About this Symposium
HIV clinical management has made great strides in recent years and transformed this life-threatening condition into a largely manageable chronic disease. But there remains a substantial population of patents in which standard first- and second-line regimens are not an option.
Patients who have failed multiple regimens and have limited treatment options due to multi-drug resistant HIV strains can often not be effectively treated with currently available drugs.
In addition, the aging population living with HIV is at an increased risk of acquiring multiple co-morbidities, needing concomitant medication to treat these conditions or to manage antiretroviral therapy (ART) side effects.
Drug-drug interactions and accumulating toxicities can also often limit treatment options. Key to the successful treatment of these complex patients is providing up-to-date knowledge on how to properly identify them in the clinic, how to treat comorbidities and avoid potential drug-drug interactions. Importantly, novel drugs with new mechanisms of action are now available and are crucial for optional care of this population. Clinicians need to be educated on how to best integrate them and other agents into optimal new combination regiments. The Managing HIV Patients with Limited Treatment Options program aims to meet this educational need.
Analysis of the survey feedback from last year’s participants of the virtual meeting held at EACS 2021, London, indicated that almost all (97%) agreed that the program was beneficial for the clinical management of their patients. Additionally, 83% of the participants felt that 50% or more of the content presented at the symposium was new to them.
Symposium Chair
General Information
By merging in-person communication and virtual elements, the hybrid meeting format is an optimal solution in light of the current circumstances. The Conference Organizers will continue to observe the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and will take necessary steps to ensure that the meeting will be held in compliance with relevant regulations, prioritizing the health and safety of our participants.
We are available to answer any questions or concerns that you may have about your participation at the ID Week 2022 Satellite Symposium - Managing HIV Patients with Limited Treatment Options. For more information, please contact Ms Yee Ning Tham at yeening.tham@amededu.com.
To stay updated on developments about this meeting, make sure that you are signed up for our newsletter.
- HIV physicians inexperienced in treating complex HIV patients who need a more comprehensive education on identifying and managing treatment-experienced patients with an emphasis on new drugs;
- Other healthcare professionals (e.g., nurse practitioners) intimately involved in the medical care of treatment-experienced patients.
- Define tools to identify patients in their practice that merit care as patients with limited treatment options
- Understand resistance considerations in constructing an optimal regimen for this patient population
- Recognize issues surrounding polypharmacy, drug-drug interactions, and co-morbidities
- Be familiar with new treatment options and understand when and how best to integrate them into antiretroviral regimens for highly treatment experienced patients.
Practical Information
Translation will not be provided.
Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via info@amededu.com or to one of our on-site personnel.
Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the program.
The agenda of this symposium is set in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). To convert the time into your time zone, please use this converting tool.
* Times and titles of the talks are subject to changes.
Symposium Chair
ViiV Healthcare will provide funding for this Independent Medical Education program.
ViiV Healthcare will have no input into the selection of speakers or the content of the materials and presentations.
Health & Safety Measures regarding COVID-19
Ensuring the health and safety of our attendees, suppliers, and staff is our absolute number one priority. In order to provide a safe conference environment, all hybrid and live events organized by Virology Education will follow the national health and safety measures of the country where the meeting is being held in. We kindly ask that all attendees carefully abide by these measures to assist us in ensuring a safe environment for all.
National Health & Safety Measures
The health and safety measures that will be taken by Virology Education during the "ID Week 2022 Satellite Symposium - Managing HIV Patients with Limited Treatment Options" on the government website of the United States. Please read them very carefully before traveling to the conference venue. These measures will be reviewed in accordance with the evolution of the pandemic.
Our staff will be available onsite to address any questions or concerns that you might have. If you have any questions in advance, please contact the Conference Secretariat at yeening.tham@amededu.com.
Traveling to the United States
Virology Education strongly advises participants to check the government website of the United States for the latest and most accurate information about the rules regarding travel.
Please be aware of measures such as testing requirements, vaccination requirements, whether your country of origin is mentioned on the Red List, etc.
What if I get ill during the event?
Should an attendee become ill or exhibit COVID-19 symptoms at any time during the event, the attendee will safely withdraw from the event venue and immediately notify the event organizer with details of other attendees which have been in close contact at the event. By registering for the event, the attendee declares, acknowledges, and accepts that they will comply with all local government requirements should they become ill or exhibit COVID-19 symptoms during the event.