Day 1- Friday, 18 MAy 2018

International Workshop on NASH Biomarkers 2018
Related Enduring Materials

Day 2 - Saturday, 19 MAY 2018
We are pleased to look back on a very succesful 3rd International Workshop on NASH Biomarkers, held in Alexandria, VA, USA on 18-19 May 2018.
117 delegates attended the workshop and the Organizing committee and organizers would like to thank the speakers, chairs and all participants for their contribution to this meeting! In particular we would like to thank our workshop sponsors. Without their financial contribution this workshop would not have been made possible.
The slides and the webcasts of the presentations given during the meeting (provided the speaker's consent was received) are now available online.
We look forward to welcoming you at the 4th International Workshop on NASH Biomarkers, scheduled for May 2020.
Kind regards,
The NASH Biomarkers Team 2018
Program Committee

Organizing Committee