José Arribas, MD


Dr. José R Arribas is currently the head of the Infectious Diseases Unite and Research Director of HIV and Infectious Diseases at La Paz Hospital, and associate professor of Medicine at Autonoma University School of Medicine Madrid, Spain. Dr. Arribas received his medical degree from the Complutense University School of Medicine, Madrid. Following this, he completed his residency in Internal Medicine at La Paz Hospital before going on to pursue a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. During his fellowship, he participated in clinical research at the Washington University AIDS Clinical Trials Unit.

His research interests, which include antiretroviral therapy, development of new antiretrovirals and emerging infectious diseases have driven the publication of over 230 scientific papers. Dr. Arribas is a standing member of GESIDA (Spanish Group for the study of AIDS) and the European AIDS Clinical Society Governing board.

 José Arribas
La Paz Hospital, Spain