Day 1 - Friday, 8 June 2018

Spanish HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Related Enduring Materials

Day 2 - Saturday, 9 June 2019

We would like to thank you for joining us at the Spanish HIV Clinical Forum: Integrase Inhibitors 2018 in Madrid, Spain! With excellent discussions and lectures during this meeting, it was a great success! We hope you enjoyed it too.
On behalf of the Spanish HIV Clinical Forum Meeting Chairs, we would like to thank ViiV Healthcare for their unrestricted educational grant. We would also like to thank our endorsers for their invaluable support of the meeting and of course a big thank you to all of our participants in making this meeting into a huge success!
The HIV CLINICAL FORUM is developed as part of a series of interactive programs that provide independent medical education on emerging topics in HIV. The program features International and regions experts in order to provide HIV clinicians and allied healthcare professionals with updates on the latest developments related to HIV management, providing opportunities for sharing of clinical experience and presenting results from ongoing and completed cohorts/research programs.