HIV 24/7 | Practical Considerations for Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapy

Related Enduring Materials


About our eLearning

The HIV 24/7 series is an educational resource that provides clear and concise education on HIV care for healthcare professionals who occasionally treat individuals living with HIV.

All modules can be followed independently and at your own pace.

Complete this entire module to equip yourself with the knowledge to address the specific challenges in your care and treatment of people living with HIV.

What Will Set You Apart?​

After following this educational series, participants will:

  • Be able to provide guidance on choosing anti-retroviral therapy regimens which are best suited to the individual needs of PLWHIV.

  • Be informed of the new data on available ARVs for both drug naïve and drug-experienced patients. 

  • Be able to identify key characteristics of individuals that will allow optimal use of the many available PrEP and treatment options.

Is This Program for You? 

The program is aimed at clinicians from various specialties who occasionally treat people who live with HIV, such as primary care physicians, family doctors, OBGYN, HIV care nurses, transgender healthcare clinicians, adolescent medicine professionals, and preventive medicine professionals, as well as public health workers and researchers engaged in HIV-related disciplines at varying degrees.

Program Director
Who Should Attend?
- Clinicians who treat patients living with HIV
- HIV care nurses
- Clinical virologists
- People living with HIV
- HIV community advocates
- Healthcare policymakers
Module Objectives
This module aims to:

- Enable HCPs to identify key clinical steps for initiating long-acting IM therapy effectively.

- Equip HCPs with strategies to facilitate informed, patient-centered discussions about long-acting IM therapy.

- Help HCPs streamline clinic workflows to successfully implement long-acting IM therapy.

- Provide practical strategies for HCPs to minimize and manage injection site reactions associated with long-acting IM therapy.
Practical Information 
The official language of the E-Learning is English.
Translation will not be provided.
This E-Learning Activity is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The Organizing Secretariat of this activity, Virology Education, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the modules or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this activity.
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the e-learning activity, participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for medical-, travel- or personal insurance. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, co-organizers, partners, endorsers, suppliers, volunteers, and employees at any of our programs are expected to observe our Code of Conduct. We cannot tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, disrespect, or the marginalization of those involved in our programs. All participants of VE and AME-organized programs are expected to treat others with dignity and respect at all times.

Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via or to one of our on-site personnel.
Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the program.
Fees and Conditions

Regular Delegates*


Participation Fee (applies for the entire duration of the eLearning)

Fees waived


* The "Regular Delegates" category includes the following:

  • Healthcare professionals and patient representatives
  • NGOs, activists, and lobbyists
  • Government officials, representatives, and policymakers
  • Researchers
  • Students in a relevant field

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

** Logistical information on how to attend the eLearning program will be communicated to registrants from non-sponsoring industry upon receipt of payment.

  • Please note, for non-sponsoring industry representatives, payment by credit card is required to be able to register. Please contact us if this is not possible for you.
  • Log-in details on how to follow the eLearning program will be communicated upon confirmation of registration.

Registration Fee Includes
Applicable to paid industry registrations only. For any digital content purchased online including the HIV 24/7, the purchaser hereby agrees upon checkout that the withdrawal period, as per the applicable EU Directive, will expire 14 days.
By credit card only: online or by written authorization (see online registration).

Lecture 1 -
Checklist for Clinician for Optimal Initiation of Long Acting IM Therapy
Borja Mora-Peris MSc, DTM&H, PhD
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom
Lecture 2 -
Key Topics to Discuss with Your Patient before Starting Long-Acting Therapy
Romain Palich, MD
Pitié - Salpêtrière Hospital, France
Lecture 3 -
Practical Steps in Organizing your Clinic for Long-Acting IM Therapy
José Arribas, MD
La Paz Hospital, Spain
Lecture 4 -
Tips to Minimize Injection Site Reactions
Laura Waters, MD, FRCP
Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

This educational activity is supported by an independent educational grant from ViiV Healthcare. ViiV Healthcare was not involved in the development of content or selection of faculty for this educational activity.

HIV 24/7 is endorsed by societies and organizations. Their support and collaboration are key to the success of this E-Learning Module!

If you would like your organization to endorse this E-Learning Module, please contact us at
How can I enroll in this course?
To enroll in this course, please click the 'Register' button and fill in the registration form.
Can I stop and continue a course at any given moment?
Yes. Our courses are offered on an on-demand basis, meaning that you can start, stop, and continue at any moment that suits you.

The HIV 24/7 series is available on-demand.
Can I add notes to the video modules?
Yes. You can take notes of information you found particularly interesting or important. Click on the 'My Session Notes' icon on the bottom right side of your module to add notes. Do not forget to save your notes by clicking the 'Save’ button.

You can review the notes you made any time you want, by clicking the ‘My Session Notes’ icon within the module page.

You can also download your notes or e-mail them to someone else.
How do I complete a course?
To complete a course, you have to:

- Follow all of the modules;
- Pass the relevant knowledge assessments (min. 70%); and
- Fill in the feedback survey.
Can I interact with other learners?
Interaction with other learners is highly encouraged and possible via Meetings Hub.
This is available within the virtual platform and you can connect, message and call with other users as long as they are connected at the same time as you.

Click on “Meetings Hub” and start your connections.
Can I follow courses on mobile devices, such as phone or tablet?
No, the virtual platform is only accessible through a computer, laptop or tablet. The platform does not work on mobile phones.

Please use the latest versions of Google Chrome.
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