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7 Oct 2020 - 8 Oct 2020
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International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2020

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 Day 1 - Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Opening session - 10:00
10:00 EDT
Opening words
Grace Aldrovandi
Grace Aldrovandi, MD, CM
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Ronald Collman
Ronald Collman, MD
University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, USA
Alan Landay
Alan Landay, PhD
Rush University Medical Center, USA
10:05 EDT
Keynote: Capturing the Dynamics of Phage-bacteria Interactions in the Respiratory Tract Using Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics
Elodie Ghedin,PhD
Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases of NIAID; NIH, United States
Session 1: Transmission -
Catherine Lozupone
Catherine Lozupone
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Sergio Serrano Villar
Sergio Serrano-Villar, MD, PhD
University Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain
10:45 EDT
The Impact of Hormonal Contraception on the Vaginal Microbiome and HIV Acquisition
Adam Burgener, PhD
Case Western Reserve University, United States
11:05 EDT
Understanding the Rectal Mucosal Immune Environment and Potential Impacts on HIV Transmission
Colleen Kelley, MD, MPH
Emory University School of Medicine, United States
11:25 EDT
The Microbiome and SIV Acquisition
Jason Brenchley, MA, PhD
National Institutes of Health, United States
Session 2: Pathogenesis -
Nichole Klatt
Nichole Klatt, PhD
University of Washington, USA
Jason Brenchley
Jason Brenchley, MA, PhD
National Institutes of Health, USA
12:10 EDT
Intestinal microbial communities and the intestinal microbe Holdemanella biformis isolated from HIV+/- men who have sex with men increase CCR5 expression on intestinal CD4 T cells
Eiko Yamada
12:17 EDT
Fecal Proteobacteria Positively Correlates with The Activation of Circulating ISGs and CD4+ T Cells in Vesatolimod-treated HIV Controllers on ART
Yanhui Cai
12:24 EDT
Alterations in the Gut Microbiome of HIV infected patients under Antiretroviral Therapy
Shilpa Ray
12:31 EDT
Changes in Gut Microbiome in HIV-Infected Individuals Undergoing Long Term Antiretroviral Therapy Receiving Rifaximin: Results of the GUTCHEK Study
James Virga
12:45 EDT
Poster viewing 1 (#P_01-P_07)

DAY 2 - Thursday, 8 October 

- 10:00
10:00 EDT
Opening words
Ronald Collman
Chairs: Ronald Collman, MD
University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, USA
Alan Landay
Chairs: Alan Landay, PhD
Rush University Medical Center, USA
10:00 EDT
Keynote: Probing the Microbiome in Disease: From CRC to HIV
Cynthia Sears, MD
Johns Hopkins University, United States
Session 3: Prevention -
Gilda Tachedjian
Gilda Tachedjian, BSc (Hons), PhD
Burnet Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Jim A. Turpin
Jim Turpin
10:40 EDT
Connecting the Dots: Translating the Vaginal Microbiome into a Drug
Laurel Lagenaur, PhD
NIH, Osel, United States
11:00 EDT
Impact of Penile Microbiome on Local Immunology and HIV Susceptibility
Rupert Kaul, PhD, MD, FRCPC
University of Toronto, Canada
11:20 EDT
HIV Replication, Transmission, and the Metabolome of the Female Reproductive Tract
Kaitlin Marquis
11:27 EDT
Lactic acid produced by an optimal vaginal microbiota promotes cervicovaginal epithelial barrier integrity: implications for HIV transmission
Brianna Jesaveluk
11:50 EDT
Poster viewing 2 (#P_01-P_07)
Session 4: Comorbidities -
Roger Paredes
Roger Paredes, MD, PhD
IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, Badalona, Catalonia, Spain
Laurel Lagenaur
Laurel Lagenaur, PhD
12:20 EDT
Intestinal Cytotoxic CD4+ T Cells are Linked to Immune Activation and Dysbiosis in Untreated HIV infection
Cara Wilson, MD
University of Colorado, United States
12:40 EDT
Microbiome and Cardiometabolic risk in HIV and non-HIV Populations
Marius Trøseid, MD, PhD
University of Oslo, Norway
Session 5: Vaccines & Therapeutics -
Rick Bushman
Frederic Bushman
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Satya Dandekar
Satya Dandekar, PhD
University of California, Davis, USA
13:25 EDT
The Microbiome in HIV Vaccines
Roger Paredes, MD, PhD
Hospital Germans Trias & IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, Spain
13:45 EDT
The Impact of the Microbiome on Immunity to Vaccination in Humans
Bali Pulendran, MD, PhD
Stanford University, United States
14:05 EDT
Baseline gut-associated microbial signatures may help predict HIV-1 viral control after treatment interruption
Alessandra Borgognone
14:12 EDT
Gut microbial regulation of anxiety disorder in a murine model of HIV-1 and opioid abuse
Shamsudheen Moidunny
Closing remarks - 14:30
14:30 EDT
Closing remarks
Grace Aldrovandi
Grace Aldrovandi, MD, CM
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Ronald Collman
Ronald Collman, MD
University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, USA
Alan Landay
Alan Landay, PhD
Rush University Medical Center, USA
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