Tuesday, 29 September 2019

Salvador HIV Clinical Forum 2019
Related Enduring Materials

We would like to thank you for joining us at this year’s Salvador HIV Clinical Forum 2019 in Brazil.
We have experienced excellent discussions and lectures during this meeting!
On behalf of the Program Chairs we would like to thank our conference supporter ViiV Healthcare for their unrestricted generous support and all of the endorsers!
We would like to encourage you and your colleagues to plan submission of your upcoming research results to the next edition of the meeting.
The Program Chairs
Program Chairs

Local Chair

General Information
- Build a community of healthcare professionals devoted to providing optimal clinical care for their patients
- Create a platform for interactive information exchange on novel treatment options
- Translate the latest research achievements into clinical guidance for the optimal management of HIV-positive individuals
- Describe the basic science of integrase inhibition
- Summarize how and when to apply Integrase Inhibitors in daily clinical practice
- Describe the resistance characteristics of integrase inhibitors
- Discuss the challenges of treating special populations (such as co-infected patients, women, elderly, etc.) and how to address them
- Summarize the treatment results of ongoing studies and clinical case studies
- Identify future treatment opportunities involving integrase inhibitors
Program Chairs

Local Chair

The members of the Organizing Committee are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They meet frequently to discuss the scientific program of the workshop, identify interesting topics and candidate speakers, and review all submitted abstracts.