Pre-Conference - Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and HIV 2019
Related Enduring Materials
Day 1 - Thursday, 19 September 2019
Day 2 - Friday, 20 September 2019
Satellite Symposia
Day 1 - Thursday, 19 September 2019

Over 200 participants attended the 5th edition of the Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and HIV, which took place from 19-20 September 2019 at the Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva in Vilnius, Lithuania. The Organizing Committee would like to thank all the invited speakers and participants for their contribution to this meeting!
We are grateful to our supporters ViiV Healthcare, Gilead Sciences, Abbvie and MSD for making this event possible.
The Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and HIV is an independent program, initiated in 2014 and developed by regional and international key opinion leaders for the medical and scientific community in Eastern and Central European countries. Advances in the treatment of viral hepatitis and HIV are continuing at a rapid and exciting pace, presented and discussed at many large international conferences. Key challenges in the treatment of hepatitis B and C as well as HIV are specific for this region and need to be discussed among clinicians and scientists from these countries.
Program Chairs
Practical Information
The members of the Organizing Committee are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They meet frequently to discuss the scientific program of the workshop, identify interesting topics and candidate speakers, and review all submitted abstracts.
Scientific Committee
The members of Scientific Committee are hand-picked by the Organizing Committee and the conference secretariat based on their significant contributions and commitment to the field. They assist the Organizing Committee by providing them with suggestions for speakers and topics. In addition, members of the Scientific Committee participate in reviewing submitted abstracts, and play an active role during the workshop as moderators and/or chairs of sessions.
- Viktor Aster, MD, PhD - Charles University, Czech Republic
- Inga Ažiņa, MD, PhD - Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia
- Marine Gogia, MD - Georgian Harm Reduction Network, Georgia
- Andrzej Horban, MD, PhD - Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Poland
- David Jilich, MD - HIV Centre Prague, Czech Republic
- Natalia Matsieuskaya, MD, PhD - Grodno State Medical University, Belarus
- Cristina Popescu, MD, PhD - Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
- Baiba Rozentāle, MD, PhD, MBA - Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia
- Kristi Rüütel, MD, PhD - Scientific Institute for Health Development, Estonia
- Dalibor Sedláček, MD, PhD - University Hospital Plzen, Czech Republic