Meeting category
1 Oct 2021 - 2 Oct 2021
Meeting type
Virtual meeting
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Workshop on Healthy Living with HIV 2021

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Enduring Materials

Day 1 - Friday, 1 October 2021

Session 1: Mental Health in People Living with HIV - 15:05
Promoting Mental Health Assessment in Clinical Practice
Glenn Treisman, MD, PhD
John Hopkins University School of Medicine, United States
Monitoring and Treatment of Mental Health Conditions: What Can the Patient Do?
Vivian Kraaij, PhD
Leiden University, the Netherlands
Nadia Garnefski, PhD
Leiden University, the Netherlands
ARV Associated Sleep Deprivation in People Living with HIV
Benjamin Goorney, MD
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
EATG Survey on Mental Health
Daniel Simões, MS
EATG, GAT, Coalition Plus, Portugal
Session 2: Healthy Aging with HIV - 16:45
Opening of the Session: Aging without HIV - Personal Perspective
Bonaventura Clotet, MD, PhD
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Frailty - Monitoring & Prevention Approaches
Julian Falutz, MD, FRCPC
McGill University, Canada
Running an HIV Clinic Focusing on Care for the Elderly People Living with HIV
Marta Boffito, MD, PhD, FRCP, MBA
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; Imperial College London; United Kingdom
Healthy Aging with HIV - Community Perspective
Mario Cascio
European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), Italy
Abstract: Mental Health Skills and Training Needs Assessment Among Health Providers Working in 11 Countries with HIV Patients
Abstract: Self-awareness of HIV+ Status, HIV-associated Stigma and the Risk of Distress, Anxiety and Low Quality of Life Among Adolescents with Perinatally Acquired HIV-infection
Abstract: Determinants of Poor Treatment Adherence Among Persons Living with HIV in Rural Northwest and East Cameroon Under the Test and Treat Era

Day 2 - Saturday, 2 October 2021

Session 3: Impact of Weight Gain on Quality of Life - 15:02
Weight Gain - From an HIV Treatment Perspective
Pilar Vizcarra, MD
Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Spain
Weight Gain - The Community Perspective
Susan Cole, FRSA
Phoenix Health Movement / Global Network of People with HIV, United Kingdom
Weight Gain and HIV in Women
Yvonne Gilleece, MB, BCh, BAO
Brighton & Sussex Medical School and University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Rehabilitation Interventions and Weight and Body Composition among Adults Living with HIV – Is There a Role for Community-Based Exercise?
Kelly O'Brien, PhD, BScPT
University of Toronto, Canada
Abstract: Usability of the MARVIN Chatbot: Empowering People Living with HIV to Improve Self-Management of Antiretroviral Treatment
Abstract: Developing a Virtual Delivery Model for Community Based Exercise for People Living with HIV During the COVID 19 Pandemic
Abstract: Effects of COVID-19 on Access to ART Services in a Ghanaian Teaching Hospital
Abstract: Understanding What it Means to Live Well with HIV During COVID-19 and Beyond
Session 4: COVID-19 Interaction with HIV - 17:15
Risk of COVID-19 and Progression to Severe Disease in People Living with HIV
Juan Ambrosioni, MD, PhD
University of Barcelona, Spain
Vaccine Effectivity in People Living with HIV - What Does It Mean Practically
Simon Collins
HIV i-Base, United Kingdom
What Have We Learned from the Pandemic Lockdowns
healthy living with hiv

To help the community of future clinical leaders, who embrace an updated and relevant paradigm for the optimal care of people living with HIV. Focused not only on viral suppression but also on guaranteeing them optimal health throughout their lifetime. Striving to develop a clinical setting where treatment decisions consider all their implications for long term health.

Over the last two decades, HIV has transformed from a fatal disease into a chronic condition where the great majority of individuals living with HIV can look forward to a full and active life. This is due to an increased understanding of the disease and its management, but above all, to the unprecedented improvement in antiretroviral drugs.

​Not surprisingly, the current management of individuals living with HIV continues to be overwhelmingly influenced by the fear of AIDS, suffering, and death, with treatment success measured by the long-term avoidance of these conditions. However, in the context of the armamentarium now available to clinicians and individuals living with HIV, much higher goals are attainable. Clinicians should now be focused not only on avoiding AIDS but also on guaranteeing individuals living with HIV a full long life with minimum adverse events or co-morbidities. Planning should not be limited to care over the next 5 – 10 years, but for many decades to come, with the expectation of a healthy and productive older age. This requires clinicians to adapt a proactive approach to preventing long-term morbidities and incorporate this into their decision-making process when making treatment choices.

General Information 
Who Should Attend?
- Infectious disease physicians;

- Researchers;

- Community representatives; and

- Nurses who are involved in the treatment and care of People Living with HIV

Meeting Objectives
This meeting aims to:

- Educate HIV clinicians on new treatment options and their long-term implications;

- Increase the HIV clinician’s level of understanding of options for the prevention of comorbidities and adverse events;

- Help shift the clinician’s focus to the management of long-term health;

- Encourage a proactive and protective treatment attitude; and

- Broaden the scope of HIV clinicians and enrich their knowledge of and collaboration with other medical disciplines.
Learning Objectives
After participating in this activity, participants will be able to:

• Describe the impact of mental health on the Quality of Life for PLWH;
• Outline tools and approaches to monitoring the mental health conditions;
• Reflect on the natural aging process and on accelerated aging in elderly HIV patients;
• State the impact of weight gain on the daily life of PLWH;
• Reflect on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected HIV Care.
Practical Information 
Certificate of Attendance
A certificate of attendance will be sent to participants that successfully complete the program and post-meeting survey.
The official language of the workshop is English.
Translation will not be provided.
This workshop is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The conference secretariat of this event, Virology Education, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the sessions or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this workshop. Virology Education disclaims all liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by individuals attending the workshop.
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the workshop, participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for medical-, travel- or personal insurance. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
Photographs, Audio, and Video Recording
Photographs, audio, and video recordings are not permitted at the official workshop sessions. Only the official medical writer appointed by the organization may make recordings. All presentations will be posted here as soon as possible after the workshop is finished, provided that speakers have given permission to do so.
Founding Father

Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd. has provided funding for this independent Medical Education program. Gilead has had no input into selection of speakers or the content of the materials and presentations.

The Workshop on Healthy Living with HIV 2021 is organized in partnership between Virology Education and the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)

Support Our Initiative
In order to deliver this program and allow healthcare professionals to attend, we depend on financial support. 

We would like to encourage you to show your commitment to knowledge sharing and education on this important topic, by supporting this program with an Independent Medical Education grant. 

Your support will be greatly appreciated!

Please contact Mr. Kun-Chieh Wu at or call +31 30 230 7140.
